Suzuki Grand Vitara SQ416/SQ420/420WD

Since 1998 of release

Repair and car operation

Suzuka Grandee Vitara
+ The general information
+ Maintenance service and greasing
+ Heater, ventilation and the conditioner
+ Steering
+ Suspension bracket
+ Wheels and tyres
+ Forward приводной a shaft shaft/bearing. An oil epiploon
+ Kardannye shaft
+ Brake system
- Engines
   + Mechanical part of engine G16
   + Mechanical part of engine J20
   - Engine cooling
      - The general description
         + Components of system of cooling
         Circulation of system of cooling
         The thermostat
         Муфта the fan of cooling system
         Cooling liquid
      + Diagnostics
      + Maintenance service
      + Vehicle routine maintenance
      Necessary service materials
      Technical characteristics of the rotating moment of an inhaling
+ Fuel system
+ Ignition system
+ Start system
+ Release system
+ Transmissions
+ Coupling
+ Transfer
+ Forward and back differentials
+ Windows, mirrors, locks and security measures. An immobilizer
+ Electric equipment

Circulation of system of cooling

If the engine разогрет (the thermostat is closed), a cooling liquid circulates as follows.

For engines of models J20

For engines of models G16

When the cooling liquid heats up to normal temperature and the thermostat is opened, the cooling liquid passes through a core of a radiator which is necessary for cooling, and also on all above-stated chain of movement.

Engine G16

1 — a radiator
2 — the cooling fan
3 — the thermostat
4 — the water pump
5 — a radiator admission
6 — radiator release
7 — an exhaust pipe

8 — a final cover
9 — the case throttle заслонок
10 — heater release
11 — a heater admission
12 — contour
13 — an inlet collector
14 — heater knot

Engine J20

1 — a radiator
2 — the cooling fan
3 — the thermostat
4 — the water pump
5 — a radiator admission
6 — radiator release
7 — an exhaust pipe

8 — a final cover
9 — the case throttle заслонок
10 — heater release
11 — a heater admission
12 — contour
13 — an inlet collector
14 — heater knot